
O-oot is in a unique stage of it’s development. Still pristine and mostly unsullied by sentient beings, there is only one city, one hub, one place to be; Township. The name may be simple but it’s historic impact has so far been mighty as the untamed planet has at least one beacon of civilization. Of course, it is a frontier town of former and secretly active criminals.

A Brief History

Township is the result of a traumatic event which lives in the memory of it’s founding citizens. 20 years prior a ship transporting prisoners failed to complete a sling-shot maneuver using Plant O-oot’s gravity. The incompetence of trying to do this lead to the ship crashing onto the surface of O-oot with most of the occupants dying. The survivors, a mixture of prisoners and ship crew, struggled to persevere over the perils of O-oot’s wilderness and many of those individuals sadly did not make it. The turning point in this nightmare came in the form of a small band of Makers approaching the survivors and offering a simple trade; they would re-locate them to a more easily fortifiable spot to make camp and in payment the Makers would take possession of the mangled ship.

This arrangement, negotiated by a drug dealer named Jaycub, lead to the foundation of Township as a sustainable settlement on a planet that had previously taken all of those who tried to colonize it. Jaycub’s success in leading the survivors in the days and weeks to follow placed in into the position of King Dictator, a half-joking but accurate title he embraced.

Township now operates as a free nation not beholden to any other faction of man or alien. It’s key attraction for potential new comers is the promise Jaycub upholds blindly; Any who come to O-oot, who come to Township, will be free of their past crimes. They will never be held accountable for what they may have done before and will only be held to what they do from now on.

A snapshot of some human inhabitants of Township; including Spacers, Martians & Cyborgs!

The Topography of Township

Township is made up of two distinct areas; High town and Low town. The difference is literally in elevation; High town is built on the solid ground at the edge of the Swamplands, which abruptly ends at a short cliff to the land. Low town is swampland which has been converted into build-able space by dumping piles of garbage onto the swamp until it no longer sank completely down.

As one might imagine, High town is considered more valuable land due to it’s stability for building. Most of the structures in this area have two or more above ground stories, while almost all in addition have one to two basement levels. The dirt you step on is dusty and gets everywhere; originally this was a forested area, but to make it safe everything was burnt to the ground. High town, partly due to the perceive value placed on it, is less built up then the lower area which can be accessed via a sloping path made against either far end of the settlement.
Locations of Note, High Town:
The Kings Hut (Town hall/pub), The Parking Pit (vehicle rental), The Scavenger Spot (open-market), Dead Clan Hall (hotel/apartments), Elie Farm (Earth-crops), Chops (Butcher), Skin Collective (Leather-works)

Low town doesn’t have many benefits over the higher elevation; it is simply cheaper to build on and live on. Rent here is reasonable or free; a large area has been set aside to exist as an open camp ground for new comers to pitch their tents and live without any charge (or security). Almost all the buildings here are one story, with any higher having a distinct lean in one direction or the other. The ground of Low town is soggy and squishes under your feet. The air is damp and packed with fog often.
Locations of Note, Low Town:
Toxins and Tonics (Potion Shop), “Good Luck” Kitchen (Soup Kitchen), Shrine of Candles (Ritual/Fight Pit), Free Camp (campgrounds), Comms Tower (Internet/Radio broadcast), Heart of the West Orphanage (and Sheriff’s office), Velvet, Silk, Satin (Luxury Goods), Here it is! (General Store), The Warm Waters Brothel (and bathhouse), Mossino Island (Repair Garage)

  • Locations of Note
  • Places outside the walls of Township