Technology & Travel

An important aspect to understanding this game setting is to have a grasp of it’s current level of technology. In general terms, most Science Fiction media exists on different degrees of advancement. Some universes seem to be only marginally more hi-tech then our current real world, while others seem to have transcended into almost magic-like forms of technology. No matter where on the scale of tech level it falls, what characters have access to has shaped the culture that they were born into and are surrounded by; making it new and bizarre in ways we might never expect.

No Faster Than Light Space Travel
In this reality there is no warp drive to utilize. Instead, humans and aliens have painstakingly mapped out a series of wormholes that exist across space. Acting like a fast-travel system of tunnels, the distance between the two worm holes can vary between hours, days, weeks or months. There are often multiple routes and short cuts to take into account as well. However, using wormholes seems to have the adverse affect of exposing the body to massive amounts of space radiation. Even though protective hull plating is available, not everyone can afford to maintain a perfectly safe vessel.

Economy and Lasers
For player characters in this world, technology has a very direct tie to available income. People utilize whatever is most cost efficient instead of what looks more “sci fi”. Laser guns are real, but they are not simple to maintain; requiring both an extensive understanding to repair and very specific components. If a character is not particular about their type of firearm, they may likely go more low-tech with led so that they can then put the off-set cost into affording new cybernetic upgrades. This design attitude, or philosophy, permeates the entire setting to create a sort of ‘hi-tech’ yet practical future.

Regional Digital Networks
The internet of the future is a series of connective networks that gain and lose connection with each other periodically. The infrastructure does not exist to maintain one constant stream of shared information, which to some extent ensures there will always be a place for those with skills in intelligence gathering and effective information distribution.

Isolation and Pod Culture
Living an interstellar lifestyle can easily lead to a lack of social interaction with other beings outside of your ship crew. Many space ships develop a unique subculture onto themselves as they journey through the void from one destination to the next. A theme can arise form who joins; sometimes based on practicality and sometimes based on ideology. Religions, or full-fledged cults, can make up an entire ship; or what started as a small crew of strangers can become a large extended family (with a complicated tree).

Medical Technology and Cybernetics
In this future fiction reality, many therapeutic technologies are available to combat the affects of radiation exposure and various chronic illnesses… This does not, however, infer an ideal or even good quality of life in most cases. Unlike other settings, these medical breakthroughs are not widely accessible and are again tied back to issues of economy and logistics. It is not uncommon to look at an obituary and see human ages varying from natural expected old age to artificially long-lived centenarians. Cybernetics are often believed to be an escape from limitations of the flesh, but here they are known as a trade-off; lose a touch of your humanity to compensate for a physical disability.

(Alien) Tech Integration
As it may be expected with alien cultures meeting each other in space, many advances in technology stem from one particular species or another. Within the context of this universe, one of those major advancements came in the form of making contact with the Omrah. It’s because of them that artificial gravity and hover technology exist in this setting. Up until this point most species were suffering the negative effects of long term exposure to non-gravity; due to the previous form of artificial gravity in use only being implemented in the largest of space ships and facilities.

Forbidden Technology
While there is no law that spans across all beings in space, there are some forms of technology that seem highly coveted and kept secret. The most obvious is the Maker’s biological tech and their living machines. With an interface that requires some form of telepathy, it is evident that this stuff might hold the key to completely re-writing history. Omrah Code literacy probably comes in at a close second. The Omrah, as living machines, operate on a complex code that at some point exists as, or infinity generates, energy. While this merely keeps the Omrah alive, this knowledge, if placed in the hands of others, could lead to infinite energy. However, as it stands, Omrah code is only understood enough to make crude adjustments.

Technology & Travel FAQ

Q: Can I steal “valuable” alien technology and sell it?
A: Of course. It’s a hot business, just don’t be surprised if a secret plot arises to see an “accidental tragedy” befalls your character. Not only do aliens like the Makers guard their secrets, many on the cusp of cracking the code (per say) might want to eliminate the competition or the “provider” of rare goods.

Q: What types of “evil” pod culture exist out there in space?
A: Common types include grifters and cannibals. There are those who’ve become so insular that they might hunt other ships like our cave man ancestors once hunted mammoths. Practitioners of piracy range from the gentlemanly-sort to the Neb pirates that will crack open your hull integrity without a second thought.

Q: How long does it take to travel somewhere?
A: Most favored locations in space have at least two well-charted routes to pick from. Long-haulers, with steady contracts and commitments planned way in advance, tend to take the slowest routes, while the more non-supply line crews will always chart for the shortest route of a few days or weeks.

Q: Does public transport exist in this future?
A: Yes. There are many options for travel without belonging to a dedicated crew or owning your own ship; space ferries are more expensive then hitching a ride with a long-hauler, but also get there a lot faster. Most ship crews over 10 will try to make a few extra bucks by always having one cabin for rent; you’ll have a less direct route in that situation, which might lead to more adventures along the way.

Q: Can Cyborgs get hacked or “attacked” digitally?
A: Yes. The general understanding is that the more connected a cyborg’s mind is to their inhuman, machine elements, the more it becomes susceptible to digital corruption like a computer. Digital consciousness exists here; there are “programs” that self-identify as copies people who have long since passed on the physical plane.

Q: How is digital information stored and transmitted in this setting?
A: Very similar to what we tend to do now; there are physical data storage devices that people will carry on their person as well as computing systems with memory storage that meets the needs of the user. What we refer to now as “cloud storage” exists too, but it is highly regional and is best put to use by those who travel very infrequently.