Step 4 – Equipment

Another empty page in the character creation process! This page will eventually feature the last step in the character creation process, which is…

… Item shopping! Or at least, outfitting your character with items and equipment that will aid in their adventures.

For this section we’re playing around with how to streamline the process of item shopping in a table top RPG. One idea was to perhaps limit the initial load-out options of level 1 new characters to a short list as a way to then encourage people to start playing the game faster. The thought behind this is not to simplify something for the sake of it, but to instead try to cut down on time spent in the “meta” part of starting a game session and to place an emphasis on getting going as soon as possible, making adjustments as you develop a better idea of what you really want from the full list of available equipment and items.

Equipment FAQ

Q: What types of firearms will be available in this setting?
A: We are probably going to stick with two core divisions of Energy weapons and Bullet weapons. And then with in that we will most likely divide it up into categories along the lines of handguns, rifles and assault weapons. Tracking ammo has not been decided on yet, but if it is implemented, then there will be a notable cost difference between led and energy.

Q: Will there be melee weapons?
A: Melee weapons will serve a vital function in this setting. Not only do melee weapons not have the concept of ammo, but they can be used as a utility tool for explore. On Planet O-oot, many things are unsafe to touch and it’s much smarter to have an item in your character’s inventory that can be used to poke or prod things instead of making direct contact.

Q: Are their Alien-specific items?
A: Maybe. Probably. Aliens will not be stuck using a separate item list, but there may be items that exist with a penalty if anyone besides a certain alien uses them. Humans in this setting have cultural differences which influence their knowledge, skills and other background elements; but there will be no human-specific items that are then further only meant for a certain tribe.

Q: Will there be a crafting system?
A: Yes. It may end up being very simplistic, but one design goal for Planet O-oot is to create the option for players to craft useful objects out of monster loot. The thought is that sophisticated items will need to be bought, but items that can be cobbled together with found materials relatively easily should be craftible.

Q: How will money work?
A: The economy of O-oot is an ugly subject at the moment that is not settled. Basically, we are certain you will have an allowance for your character’s starting gear, but beyond that point we are still trying to figure out the specifics. An issue we are trying to figure out is how to keep the in-game economy from breaking (as it does in most RPGs eventually) and how to discourage meta-gaming tactics.