Site Index

Top Bar

  • Welcome page
    The landing page for the site, will always feature the most “urgent” information you need to know or will alert you to go to where ever you need to go.  
  • About page
    This page you are on right now; will fill out over time with more information about the individuals involved, eventually will have contact information, etc.  
  • Developer Blog page
    Self explanatory; if you don’t see an entry you are looking for on the side bar, then click here to scroll through all blog entries to find what you are looking for.  
  • FAQ page
    Frequently asked questions we’ve either received or have guessed people would likely want the answer to, even if that question has not been asked yet. Additionally it is important to understand that Questions which are very specific to topics that have their own page on the website will be listed near the bottom of that page in an FAQ section for that topic.  

Side Bar

  • Character Creation
    All pages listed here are for test players to create characters for test game sessions. We’ve divided up the process into clearly numbered steps to try to simplify the process. If you want to read about a specific playable alien species or a human faction; they are mentioned here. In the future as the site expands, these two pages will eventually also feature hyperlinks to pages for each individual human faction and each individual alien species.  
  • World Information
    Pages under this category host information on the greater world setting, including both the planet of O-oot and what players need to know about the world beyond it. While information on the planet, Township and the rest of space are all here for now, this section may be broken up in the future if the page count becomes unreasonable.