Locations in Space

Planet O-oot is the center of attention, in the context of what game material we are making right now. However, it is one world in a galaxy full of life. Below are many of the places which player characters and NPCs would be well aware of:

Within a short distance to Planet O-oot . . .

Big Barrel
A large, patched together monster of a space station. Big Barrel might have been pretty once, but it is ugly and dilapidated now. This station is considered a very important trade hub, as it is close to several wormhole openings that are in turn part of several popular trade routes. It consists of many, many welded together layers of public areas, private apartments and repair bays. To keep the Terran Arms from retaking the station (again), the administrative guild has assigned them one entire floor to themselves; with the understanding they may freely travel around the station, but cannot assert authority beyond their given zone.

Lore Note: To player characters, Big Barrel is probably where their adventure technically starts. Although the Gamemaster might decide to begin the game after you have landed on planet O-oot, Big Barrel would have been where they boarded the ship to go there.

Gas Giant 8863C30-0B04
As the serial number implies, this is an uninhabited gas giant within the same star system as O-oot. It is the only other planet with it’s own orbit and serves as a useful place to collect natural gasses (duh). Certain types of energy
generators can run off this form of gas, though it is considered an expensive and outdated method.

The only moon of O-oot, with life of it’s own. Bora has thin air and isn’t considered breathable by most humans and aliens. Although, it is the home world of the Agen, who live as nomadic herders upon it’s surface. The Agen survived by tending to lifeforms that breath out the right mixture of air they need; however, they never truly domesticated these animals and so follow the herds where they go.

Alien Home worlds… (and ships)

While the three locations above will be mentioned quite a bit, less often will the more distant places be mentioned. Besides newly discovered worlds, it is safe to say that Mars, the Moon and Earth are all still under human control.

Major Homeworlds across Known Space

Sora (named planet)
Homeworld of the Saurians and Snakah-Saurians. This dessert world is part of a solar system dying a slow death.

Fryeh (named planet)
The Fay call this sea of radioactive lava home. They live in carefully carved and maintain spires above the glowing sea.

Mothership (specific ship)
The name given to an organic ship that haunts space. This whale-like vessel serves as the home to all Makers and “crowned” Purr.

… And Everything else.

It could be said, perhaps cruelly, that there are many additional types and classifications of tin can floating across outer space. While to the outsider it might seem unnecessary to understand these distinctions, it is very important to know while traveling from port to port. Each tends to focus on different things and will run on separate protocols that might dictate a lot more then you would care for.

Broad Types of Habitation in Space

Omrah Cores (???)
The Omrah live as clusters in deep space, centered around a manufacturing facility of their own making (to make more of themselves).

Asteroid Mining Operations (general category)
While the Distoe, Acitox and Neb don’t have a place to call home; they do tend to populate most industrious locations like this.

Space Stations (general category)
An emphasis is placed on rent-able space in a safe, breathable, gravity-providing environment. Most of it’s square footage is spent on apartments, hotels, retail space and public community areas. Usually considered fully fledged destinations on their own, Space stations are often considered a vital component of living in the void.

Space Ports (general category)
The general term for a destination with a focus on being a port city. Motives for visiting are the same as in any place that acts as a major trading hub; cargo hold, docking bays, hotels, storage rental and repair businesses.

Space Bases (general category)
Functioning like a station or port, a Base has the distinction of being specifically under the control of one faction and primarily serving only that faction. Some bases will offer emergency services to non-members but are usually closed off and protective of their exclusivity.

Locations in Space FAQ

Q: Why are Space Stations considered ‘important’ for people who live in space?
A: There are several logistical reasons having to do with access to supplies and trade opportunities, but the main reason stations are important has to do with health. The human body does not do well with extended periods in low gravity or zero gravity. Space ships can generate gravity, but it is a very expensive and complex mechanism to keep in functioning order. Many crews of ships try to get around having to maintain their own systems by plotting their routes to hit every station along the way. Visitors to stations do all sorts of activities to regain muscle, including; walking around the shopping malls, hitting the gym and even spending all night at the many dance clubs.

Q: Is Fryeh dangerous for humans to visit?
A: Humans are one of the few species in this setting that has notably lower tolerances for radiation. Luckily the radiation of this planet drops off pretty quickly above it’s lava surface; which means that humans can visit, but would probably die from long-term exposure.

Q: Is Sora dangerous for humans to visit?
A: This planet is safer to visit then Fryeh, as long as humans do not go outside during the day. Luckily Saurian cities are buried under the sand to keep cool, so a visitor would not seem too out of place when trying to avoid the dying sun.

Q: Has anyone claimed Bora?
A: The only moon of O-oot is considered the property of it’s planet, though who technically owns that world is up for debate. Some will say Bora still counts as a free zone, while Township claims they should have rights to it. The Agen themselves should probably own it, but they seem to lack the ability to organize themselves in a way to defend their rights as the only native inhabitants of Bora.

Q: Can you contact the Mothership?
A: You are welcome to try, as everyone laughs behind your back. It is a massive vessel that does not respond to hails. It has even been documented, more then once, to fly through an area of intense dog fighting without caring about taking hits.