There Are No NFTs

  • There are no NFT (non-fungible token) projects connected to Planet O-oot.
  • There is no plan to currently become involved with any NFT project.
  • If you see ANY aspect of Planet O-oot being used in an NFT project, assume it is stolen content and please inform us on twitter.

If you are reading this and do not know what an NFT is, or have heard the term but would like to know more about it; we would recommend the video “What the hell are NFT’s?” by youtuber Josh Strife Hayes, published on Jan 15, 2022. (no hyperlink was provided as a future-proofing measure for your computer’s safety).

This announcement is important and required it’s own blog post because NFTs have been stealing art over the last few months at an increasing rate. Although there is a potential avenue for independent artists to use this new technological concept as a way to generate income (NFTs can be set to have a percentage-tax for every trade, sending some amount of the trade cost back to the original creator of that NFT), Planet O-oot will not be involved in any NFT project unless it is officially announced, confirmed and outlined on this website.

Planet O-oot will never embark on a project with any other company or individual without announcing it on the site first. If we ever do something involving tokens, it would be covered here in full with very clear, precise links and named names of exactly who or what is involved. If you see our name on something with no information here (on the website), then take that as confirmation it is 100% fake, stolen, so on. If you ever see our art or concept stolen, and it’s on a platform with some kind of fraud-reporting feature; please feel free to not only tell us about it but also report that individual account to the service that probably doesn’t realize they are hosting a scam.

Everything said above sounds very similar to our statements about fundraising events, which is to say (again and similar to above) that ANY fundraising, or subscription service, that tries to associated themselves with us should be assumed to be a fraud / scam operation UNLESS it is announced here first. In the event we ever did launch an official thing, but forgot to announce it on the website first, we would hope you’d still follow our advice and assume it’s fake UNTIL evidence here proves it otherwise.