February Housekeeping

For many, 2020 was a very strange and overwhelming year to live through.

As of today we are back at full speed in terms of development and our first priority is to freshen up the website. There will be a few new icons and images added and in the coming days more pages will be added. A format for roll tables has been settled on and so both the individual “species” and “tribes” pages should be able to go up fairly quickly.

There is now a twitter account as well, @Planet_Ooot, which we highly suggest you tweet questions to. One of the terrible things we came back to after not working on the site for a while was a stack of HIGHLY inappropriate spam bot messages. In order to avoid these showing up again, we will be blocking the ability to leave comments under blog posts and will instead heavily encourage readers to comment through twitter.

Furthermore I would like to come out and say that I am Pierce Alstead. In the future you might see references noting who wrote what and so you might notice this name or shorthand sign-offs like “Admin P.” or “P Mod” or others; those are me. as more people get involved with the website there will be more public introductions to these individuals and their preferred names. We’ll make a point to have no overlap with initial letters used to try and reduce confusion.

Last in house keeping news will be to acknowledge that several blog posts from 2020 were deleted; these posts all contained the spam comments with links to very inappropriate websites. Originally I deleted all the comments manually, but then worry and my lack of understanding of how bots work got the better of me; so I made the administrative decision to delete them in case the actual posts were somehow “flagged” for bots to seek out and spam again (I noticed repeating posts every few days).

With all of this covered, there will be another blog post to follow within the next handful of days taking about content as it is published on the website. Several update “chunks” are lined up, though we are not certain of the exact order they will be going on. As a final reminder; twitter is our ONLY official means of contact right now. Please feel free to contact us through that service with any questions that come to mind.