
Click the Developer Blog for thee most current information

Please contact us only through twitter.com at @Planet_Ooot

Planet O-oot is a sci-fi table top role play game setting currently under development. So far our progress has been very slow, so this website will serve as an on-going record of where we are at currently with getting the project play tested, written and published. This website also serves as a hub of game information, setting lore and other reference material that players may want to access.

  • Planet O-oot will eventually launched a campaign to raise funds for printing, but there is NO CAMPAIGN RIGHT NOW. When and if this happens we will very officially and clearly announce it here on the site.

  • Planet O-oot is NOT involved in any NFT (non-fungible token) projects. If you see the art from Planet O-oot used to create NFTs, assume it is stolen art unless there is clear and explicit information provided on this website.

  • If you notice any fundraising campaign, or NFT project, launch on some platform without this site linking directly to it; please assume it is fake and report it both to us (through twitter) and to the website or service hosting the suspected scam.

  • Never donate to something claiming to be connected to Planet O-oot unless we clearly talk about it here first and link to that specific web page address. Do not trust projects, campaigns or anything else that will take your money but not provide details freely and publicly. Never take implied meaning as factual, only trust direct statements as true and legally-binding information.